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2024-05-22 10:02 阅读了



Isaac Newton is widely known as one of the most influential scientists in history. However, there is a popular myth that he was involved in a murder. So, did Newton actually kill someone? Let's explore the truth.

The Myth

The story goes that Newton, while serving as warden and master at the Royal Mint, got into an argument with fellow employee and counterfeiter, Chaloner. Newton, according to the myth, flew into a rage and attacked Chaloner, killing him in the process. The story has been retold in various forms over the years.

The Facts

The truth is that there is no evidence whatsoever to support this claim. In fact, there are several reasons why it is highly unlikely that Newton would commit such a heinous act.

Newton's Character

There is no doubt that Newton was a brilliant mind, but he was also a deeply religious man who abhorred violence. He was known to be reclusive and highly introverted, rarely socializing with others. Violence was not in his nature.

The Lack of Evidence

There are no police or court records to suggest that any such incident took place. Given Newton's prominence in society at the time, and the gravity of the charge against him, it seems highly improbable that such a crime would have gone unnoticed.

Conspiracy Theories

There are some who argue that the reason why there is no evidence of Newton's guilt is because the authorities covered it up in order to protect the reputation of one of their most eminent scientists. However, this argument lacks any credible evidence to support it.


The truth is that there is no evidence to suggest that Isaac Newton killed anyone. Despite the myth that has grown up around him, Newton remains one of the most revered and respected thinkers in history, and rightly so.

In conclusion, it is important to remember that myths can be both entertaining and misleading. It is only by examining the facts that we can arrive at the truth, and in this case, the truth is that there is no basis for the idea that Isaac Newton committed murder.
